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Peri-Peri: Origins and Recipes with the Fiery Portuguese Pepper

Peri-Peri: Origins and Recipes with the Fiery Portuguese Pepper

Peri-Peri is a small chili pepper known for its complex, fruity flavors. Where does it originate? What are the best Peri-Peri recipes? How can you make your own Peri-Peri sauce? Where can you find the best Peri-Peri sauces?
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Lisbon's Saint Anthony Festivals

Lisbon's Saint Anthony Festivals

If you're uncertain about the perfect time to visit Lisbon, the unequivocal answer is the month of June, particularly the 12th and 13th. These dates mark the Lisbon Festivals, making it the ideal time to experience the city's vibrant celebrations.
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April 25, 1974. The carnation revolution hour by hour

April 25, 1974. The carnation revolution hour by hour

April 25, 1974 marks the beginning of the Carnation Revolution which led to the downfall of the authoritarian regime and the establishment of a new era of democracy. Discover the events of this day...
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Costa Nova: A hidden gem on the Portuguese coast

Costa Nova: A hidden gem on the Portuguese coast

Colorful wooden fisherman houses, fish market, sandy beaches, water sports... Discover Costa Nova in Portugal!
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Portugaise Barbotine... What is this ?

Portugaise Barbotine... What is this ?

Slipware, having fallen out of favor in the 20th century, is experiencing a captivating revival at the intersection of ancient techniques and modern creativity.
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Canned sardines from Portugal

The best canned sardines in the world !

Sardines or filleted sardines ? prepared with olive or sunflower oil ? Plain or in sauce ? What about vintage sardines? How to make your choice and be sure to discover the best canned sardines?

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Unveiling the History of the Famous Barcelos Rooster

Unveiling the History of the Famous Barcelos Rooster

Barcelos is a small town in northern Portugal. It is in this city that a legend was born around a pilgrim and a rooster, which later became the symbol of the city and then the symbol of Portugal. This national symbol is called today the Rooster of Barcelos or the Galo de Barcelos or the Portuguese Rooster.

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Portuguese Fado: Soul in Music

Portuguese Fado: Soul in Music

Much more than just a melody, Fado is an expression of the Portuguese soul. Immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of Fado, discovering its history, meaning and profound impact on Portuguese culture.
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Portuguese New Year's superstitions

Portuguese New Year's superstitions

Attract luck, health or love to yourself... Discover Portuguese superstitions for the New Year I
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How to find the perfect Portuguese Christmas gift?

How to find the perfect Portuguese Christmas gift?

You want to please your loved ones with authentic Christmas gifts. Why not celebrate Christmas in the colors of Portugal? Let us help you find the perfect Portuguese gift!
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Bolo Rei: the legend of the Kings' cake in Portugal

Bolo Rei: the legend of the Kings' cake in Portugal

It is one of the 13 most traditional Christmas desserts in Portugal: the Bolo Rei. However, this "Kings' cake" equivalent to the French Christmas cake has its origin... in France
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The best Christmas markets in Porto and Lisbon

The best Christmas markets in Porto and Lisbon

The Christmas markets "Mercados de Natal" are the opportunity to meet craftsmen, creators, producers and traders in the heart of their profession, in a festive and warm atmosphere. Follow us in search of the most beautiful markets of Lisbon and Porto...
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64 results