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Noel 2024 Jeux jouets livres EN (1).jpg__PID:f8d9e542-08df-49ce-9875-03fd6ac9c5a8

The Christmas markets "Mercados de Natal" are the opportunity to meet craftsmen, creators, producers and traders in the heart of their profession, in a festive and warm atmosphere. Follow us in search of the most beautiful markets of Lisbon and Porto...

It is one of the 13 most traditional Christmas desserts in Portugal: the Bolo Rei. However, this "Kings' cake" equivalent to the French Christmas cake has its origin... in France

Feliz Natal! If Christmas holidays tend to standardize all over the world (and that's a pity) but Portuguese traditions are still alive. I suggest you discover them through this article.

In Portugal, there are almost as many recipes for Cataplana as there are cooks. However, there are some basic recipes. Here they are, translated from Portuguese...

To make your taste buds travel on December 25, from appetizer to dessert, here are our recipe ideas for a 100% Portuguese Christmas menu.

More than 250 grape varieties allow Portugal to offer a wide range of red, white and rosé wines, as well as green wines, sparkling wines, port wines, Madeira and Azores wines and Moscatel....